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Why Should I Add Live Chat To My Website?

Having a well-designed website can instill confidence in potential customers before they make any buying decisions. This also creates consistent availability for customers, allowing them to find your contact information very easily within your site. Taking this a step further, a great feature to consider adding to your website is Live Chat. Adding Live Chat gives you the ability to provide immediate replies to any website visitors with potential questions. Making yourself readily available can have a positive impact on your bottom line, tapping into otherwise missed potential. There are many other benefits of adding Live Chat to your business website.


Customers say that having their questions answered while navigating the website is one of the most important aspects of a website? This immediate gratification builds trust within your business which often leads to potential customers turning into repeat customers. The convenience of a Live Chat allows for customers to continue browsing your site while waiting for an answer.

Reduce Expenses

Live Chat is above and beyond one of the cheapest, yet effective, support features your business can offer. Live Chat’s inexpensive nature revolves around not having to pay for things typically associated with adding support to your site, such as call center toll charges or person-per-hour costs. In addition to being a cheaper option, Live Chat can reduce expenses by enabling your team members to multitask and assist multiple visitors at once.

Address Customer Pain Points

Pain points are problems that customers have that have not been solved or addressed in any capacity. With Live Chat, representatives can quickly provide support to site visitors. Additionally, Live Chat can better address pain points by the transparent nature of the feature. With call centers, customers usually only talk to a single representative, which can lead to their issue getting lost or not fully addressed. With Live Chat, anyone can access chat histories, which can be sorted and filtered to get a more in-depth understanding of customer pain points.

Easy Integration

Not only does adding a Live Chat feature provide improved customer support, but it also is extremely seamless to integrate and implement within your business’ website. The positive of being so simple to integrate into your site is that it immediately impacts your business without hindering your customer support. The easy integration of a Live Chat feature enables you to continue operating normally, but now gives your business the benefit of constant availability and support.

If you would like to discuss how easily this feature can be added to your website, contact Cosmick Technologies…we are happily waiting to assist you.

www.cosmicktechnologies.com or 855-932-3388 / 484-246-9696

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